WordPress: Hiding default content editor (WYSIWYG) for a specific template

We recently needed to hide the default editor for the home page of a client’s wordpress website. The reason was that we were using the incredibly useful Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin. The following code, placed in the functions.php file did exactly what we needed. Reference: https://gist.github.com/ramseyp/4060095

WordPress: Adding custom breadcrumbs

This may not be the most elegant solution, but has nicely fitted the WordPress website I am currently developing. The brief required that we have a general “Tours” landing page that links to two subcategories (custom post types) – “Mike’s Tours” and “Sally’s Tours”. Using custom post types has allowed us to customise each of … Continued

WordPress: Adding pagination to custom post types

Original source: http://callmenick.com/post/custom-wordpress-loop-with-pagination The following code is excellent for creating pagination for your custom post types. Place the following in your functions.php: The following is placed on your custom template page.

Eat My Lunch website build

In 2015, Creative Digital was contacted by a brand new initiative “Eat My Lunch”, to build their Stage One website. Eat My Lunch was launched to make it easy for Kiwis to help other Kiwis. With the help of award-winning chef Michael Meredith, they hope to alleviate a nationwide issue by creating a change through something as … Continued